Thursday, January 8, 2009


This was so cool! L is now in first grade and she's pretty good at reading. She got a "real book" like she calls it at Christmas and has read half of it already. Tonight my DH promised my girls that the 3 of them would read together for half an hour. So after a while I went to look at them and took this pic. I thought to get a pic with all three of them reading but the only one who had still her book in her hands was L.

I think this could become a bedtime ritual. The last 10 minutes they went into their own beds en read some more until the lights went out.


  1. This photo is REALLY well composed! Love it!

  2. I just love this photo! Go Lian on that reading!

  3. Nothing btter than new excited readers! Makes a teacher's heart smile!

  4. The soft light in this photo is so beautiful. Wonderful photo of an intimate family moment.

  5. Beautiful!! I love the softness of this!
