Wednesday, March 11, 2009

DAY 71 Me & My bone!

This was really too cute! Fu saw me take my camera and instead of coming right at me, too fast like always or running away from me, he went to take his bone, comes back right where I'm standing, lies down in front of me and begins to play with his bone. I think it was obvious enough, he wanted me to take a pic of the two of them -- and of course, I did! I just LOVE that dog!


  1. That is cute! Is he chewing it or what? I found
    one eye. Where's the other one? From B.

  2. In case you didn't realize it, that comment was from my B :)

  3. I just love his sweet face (what we can see of it anyway! LOL!)

  4. I believe you on that - dogs are smarter than people give them credit for! He is too cute!

  5. This is so cute! and yes, they are so smart sometimes aren't they? I have to spell certain words or my dogs know what I'm talking about.. good and bad... like bath .. or cheese! :) love your photo!
